Vaccaria Hispanic cowherb or in chinese medicine, Wang Bu Lui Xing, is a monotypic genus of flowering plants within the pink family containing the single species "Vaccaria hispanica". Considered a weed, the plant can grow to two and a half feet with lovely pink and white hermophroditic flowers. Harvested in the summer, the entire plant is dried in sunlight, with seeds removed from their shells and then, dried again. The seeds are used in ATA in raw form.
This modality is a registered trademarked method developed by Dr. Curran.
It has been approved as accredited coursework by the NCCAOM and NCBTMB and recognized by the University of Maryland Medical System.
If you are a licensed acupuncturist/holistic practitioner, please contact Dr. Curran directly about educational opportunities and certifications. Any use of the modality without proper guidance and clearance from Dr. Curran is prohibited.