Individual & Dual FULL BODY

Thin, sterile needles are inserted into areas of the body that are easily accessible while relaxing in a zen recliner chair such as the ears, head, facially, chest, arms, hands, knees, legs and feet. Specific points can be accessed to promote detoxification, deep relaxation/stress relief, immune system function, pain relief, mental/emotional health support,
alcohol/nicotine/opioid/substance dependence management and SO MUCH MORE!
This treatment is an ideal introduction to the modality and is recommended to receive 1-2 times a week as needed.
Relaxation time with needles in place will be 30 minutes.
COLLECTIVE ACUPUNCTURE can be scheduled via text: 443.417.8692.
$50 per treatment
Acupuncture is an Eastern medicine modality that was developed thousands of years ago. The foundational concepts of Acupuncture involve the presence and movement of energy or "qi" (pronounced "chee") in the body, mind and spirit. This energy can be accessed by inserting sterile, thin needles into specific areas or “points” present within meridians or channels that run like rivers throughout the body. In Eastern medicine, when we experience a symptom, "blocked" or "stagnant" energy is the cause. Through administering Acupuncture, the body is invited to call upon its own ability to reach/maintain homeostasis where the "blockages" are opened, and energy is released to naturally promote smooth, free flow. As this is continuously established with each treatment, a reduction in experienced symptom(s) is a result.
Individual treatments are ideal for those that prefer a deeply comprehensive and specialized treatment plan. In this private setting, all areas of the body (front and back) can be accessed from the comfort of a treatment table that may not be accessible in the collective setting.
To appropriately introduce your body to the modality, it is recommended that you receive the first 4 treatments once a week or bi-weekly. The initial appointment is a comprehensive intake that includes history, current symptomology and includes your first treatment, lasting for 90 minutes. According to your progress, follow-up treatments lasting up to 60 minutes will be scheduled accordingly.
Those that receive Acupuncture report the following:
-overall sense of well-being (deep relaxation, mental clarity, improved sleep and relationships with self/others)
-reduction in observed symptoms
-stronger immune system and improved resilience from sickness or injury
-decrease in alcohol/nicotine/opioid/substance dependence (specifically but not restricted to Auricular (ear) Detoxification Acupuncture clients in the collective setting).
-reduction in fine lines & increased skin tone/texture (Facial Rejuvenation Acupuncture clients only)
New Patient Individual Intake with First Treatment: $130 (90 minutes)
Dual Intakes: $250
Returning Patient Treatment: $85
(60 minutes)
Dual Returning Treatments: $170